Prehliadka po rozhlase / Visit of Slovak Radio's building

06:19 Gabriel 1 Comments

Slovenský rozhlas, ikonická budova Bratislavy oslavuje svoje výročie (30 rokov od prvého vysielania)  a preto sa zajtra koná prehliadka po rozhlase  názvom Prečo pyramída? ,ktorú organizuje slovenský rozhlas v spolupráci so Slovenskou technickou univerzitou a Akadémiou vied .

Slovak radio, iconic building of Bratislava is celebrating its anniversary (30 years since the first broadcasting). Tomorrow, an educational tour through the building  Prečo pyramída? (why pyramid?) will take place in it. It is organized by RTVS ,Slovak technical university and Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Slovak / radio / building / Bratislava

Náučný chodník obsahuje 10 zaujímavých stanovíšť , medzi nimi aj také miesta ako strechu či podzemie

Trail includes 10 interesting stops, like  the roof with great view or underground

building / Bratislava

PS: Dneska mi došla vstupenka , už sa neviem dočkať. :P

PS: Today I´ve got the entrance ticket. I couldn't wait to see it. 

 to be continued...


1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, the architecture of that building is so unique and I've never seen another like it! Have fun at the event!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
