Architecture Night 2015 (Noc architektov 2015)

14:15 Veronika Rajničová 8 Comments

The Faculty of Architecture (Slovak Technical University) was organising an open day evening together with special lectures fom foreign and also home architects. The star of the night was indeed Jenny Osuldsen from Norway, representing Snohetta. She was such an energic and enthusiastic woman I´d like to embrace her. Jenny presented some of the Snohetta´s works. I especially liked Wild Reindeer Pavilion and Gabriel was enchanted by Norwegian National Opera and Ballet. 

Fakulta architektúry organizovala deň večer otvorených dvería sériu prednášok v rámci akcie Noc architektov. Najväčšou hviezdou bola nepochybne Nórka Jenny Osuldsen z ateliéru Snohetta. Napriek neskorej večernej hodine bola plná plná pozitívnej energie. Návštevníkom odprezentovala niekoľko projektov Snohetty. Najviac ma chytila za srdce pozorovateľna divých jeleňov a Gabimu sa pozdávala budova Nórskej národnej opery a baletu.   

Many kisses 
Veronika and Gabriel
PS: For more photos from the event, click on "Read more"

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13:49 Veronika Rajničová 15 Comments

What do architects do when they´ re bored? Well, they construct cars, for example. To be precise, just their prototypes. With the exception of Foster´s London bus, none of these vehicles can be seen on the roads. I wish you nice week. I´ll be back with some other interesting stuff very soon. 

Čo robia architekti keď sa nudia? Napríklad, navrhujú autá. Aby sme boli presní, len ich prototypy. Až na Fosterov Londýnsky autobus, žiadne z týchto vozidiel na cestách neuvidíte. Prajem pekný týždeň. Čoskoro sa ozvem opäť. 

PS: For more photos, click on "Read more" button bellow

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