The best TV series apartments (Najlepšie seriálové byty) PART 1.
1) New Girl
Although this TV series isn´t as much popular in Slovakia, at least the apartment where the main story takes place is worth mentioning. This loft is full of crazy and open-minded, young people (Jess, Nick, Coach, Winston and Schmidt). Interior resembles their characters perfectly. Bicycle on the wall, colourful dining chairs and patterns combined with basic natural colors. This is NG´s apartment.
Tento seriál nie je v našich končinách veľmi známy. Napriek tomu stojí za povšimnutie minimálne byt, kde sa celý príbeh odohráva. Loft je plný šialených, liberálnych, mladých ľudí (Jess, Nick, Coach, Winston a Schmidt). Interiér absolútne odráža charakter hlavných postáv. Všimnite si bycikel na stene, pestrofarebné stoličky a vzory kombinované s jednoduchým základom.
2) Friends (Priatelia)
Iconic TV series Friends had several places where Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey and Ross used to meet. One of them was Monica´ s apartment. Do you still remember lilac walls and bright blue kitchen? There was something very cozy and warm in it.
V ikonickom seriáli sa priatelia stretávali na viacerých miestach. Jedným z nich bol Monikin byt. Pamätáte si ešte fialové steny a výrazne modrú kuchyňu? Vládla tam vždy útulná atmosféra, ktorú nepochybne vytvárali aj hlavní protagonisti: Monika, Rachel, Chandler, Joey a Ross.
3) How I met your mother (Ako som spoznal vašu matku)
Notoric in-lover Ted had his little apartment in New York furnished in red. Sometimes a telephone cell appeared right in the middle of the living room. Sometimes dusty piano next to the fireplace came to life. On the whole, his neighbours couldn´t complain at boredom at all. Robin, Barney, Lili and Marshall were always around to make some mess.
Večne zamilovaný Ted mal svoj bytík v New Yorku zariadený prevažne v červenej farbe. Občas sa uprostred obývačky objavila telefónna búdka, občas niekto oprášil klavír, čo stál pri krbe. Každopádne sa jeho susedia nenudili. Spoločnosť mu robili Robin, Barney, Lili a Marshall.
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